
Go Fresh Mobile Market

Multiple addresses - see below
Springfield, MA
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Multiple addresses - see below Springfield MA

Multiple times and locations (see below)

Pay With: Credit/Debit, SNAP/EBT, HIP (Healthy Incentives Program), Senior FMNP (farmers’ markets), WIC FMPP (farmers’ markets)
Market Manager: Riley Gilroy


The Go Fresh Mobile Market brings affordable, fresh fruits and vegetables to local neighborhoods every week. We accept SNAP, HIP, cash, credit/debit, WIC and farmers’ market coupons.

*Please note some locations are every other week, and some are every week. See details below*

See the mobile market’s Facebook page for updates.

Pickup locations & times:


  • Baystate Place
    414 Chestnut Street
    9 am – 10 am
  • Linden Towers
    310 Stafford Street
    10:30 am – 11:30 am
  • Deborah Barton Center 
    160 Nursery Street
    12 pm – 1 pm
  • Colonial Estates 
    1 Beacon Circle
    1:30 pm – 2:30 pm


  • Brightwood Medical Center
    25 Barney Lane, Springfield
    9 am – 10 am
  • Hungry Hill Senior Center. *every other Wednesday
    773 Liberty St
    10:30 am – 11:30 am
  • Raymond Jordan Center
    1476 Roosevelt Ave
    12 pm – 1 pm
  • STCC Armory Square Building 7
    1 Armory St
    1:30 pm – 2:30 pm
  • East Springfield Public Library
    21 Osborn Terrace
    3 pm – 3:30 pm


  • McKinely House
    38 Asinof Ave, Chicopee
    9 am – 10 am
  • Forest Park Manor
    25 Barney Lane
    10:30 am – 11:30 am
  • Independence House
    1475 Roosevelt Avenue
    12 pm – 1 pm
  • HCDI Resource Center
    437B Oak Grove Ave
    1:30 pm – 2:30 pm




Spring, Summer, Fall

Day of the Week

Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday



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